Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Great Burrito Debacle

At approximately 8:15 on April 1st, 2008, I was given the wrong burrito. Or rather, I asked for a burrito and I got a salad instead.
It was the worst April Fools joke ever.

I would have chased the delivery man, but I didn't have any shoes on. Elizabeth, my imaginary girlfriend, did not have any shoes on either, but she chased after him anyway. Either I am a big pussy (this is her theory) or she likes burritos a lot more than me.

I think she likes burritos a lot.

I also have moral qualms about eating the salad (but this is probably just related to my irrational and crushing Catholic guilt). Elizabeth has no such qualms. She also scooped out the guacamole for me to eat. These are two reasons why I like her.

UPDATE: At 8:23, Elizabeth spilled the salad all over her lap. Clearly, it was actually immoral and she was punished by the Baby Jesus.
We can't give the salad back now!

UPDATE UPDATE: Sometime much much later (9:30-ish), the delivery man finally returned with our real food. And then he asked us to give him the salad back. Elizabeth told him "It's a salad. It went bad." And then I guiltily shoved the half-empty salad container into the bag (upside down with no lid on), handed it to the delivery man and closed the door in his face.
The burrito was pretty good though.

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